House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made a flattering comparison between Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln during a press conference Thursday, pointing out that both Obama's planned amnesty of 5 million illegal immigrants and the Emancipation Proclamation were executive orders.
"Does the public know that the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order?" Pelosi asked. "People have to understand how presidents have made change in our country."
Pelosi invoked a quote from Lincoln in which the president said "public sentiment is everything"--apparently unaware that the public is against Obama taking executive action on immigration reform.
"Remember, president Lincoln said, 'public sentiment is everything,'" Pelosi said. "I wish the Republicans would at least give the public a chance to listen to what the president is trying to do."
As is typical for the former House speaker, Pelosi wants the law passed before the public can find out what is in it.