NBC: Gruber Comments 'Certainly Not the Headline' Obama Wanted for New Obamacare Enrollment

November 17, 2014

Obamacare enrollment opened for the second year after its disastrous 2013 debut, and headlines have not been good for the White House.

President Obama’s highly touted health care legislation continues to stir up controversy after recently uncovered comments from the chief architects of the law.

NBC’s Peter Alexander summed up how the president must feel as videos of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber continue to surface.

"This is certainly not the kind of headline the president is looking for as his administration once again kicks off enrollment in the Affordable Care Act," Alexander said. "New comments are getting scrutiny, causing another round of Obamacare political fallout."

Gruber, the self-described ‘architect’ of Obamacare, has come under fire for multiple videos in which he revealed the duplicity and deceit behind Obamacare.

Published under: Jonathan Gruber