New Mexico Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alan Webber told a group of supporters we need to send Gov. Susana Martinez (R) back to "wherever she really came from," The Weekly Standard reports:
"So I’m asking you for your help, we need to make Susana Martinez a one-term governor. We need to send her back to wherever she really came from," says Webber in a video obtained by The Weekly Standard. "I suspect it’s Texas. And that would be good for Texas and that would be good for New Mexico."
Martinez, a Republican, is the first female Hispanic governor in the United States. The New Mexico governor hails from El Paso, Texas, a largely Hispanic and Democratic region that borders New Mexico. However, the governor has spent most of her career in New Mexico, serving as the District Attorney for Doña Ana County for 14 years before becoming governor.
Her potential opponent Allan Webber has a his history of radical views, including ties to the Weather Underground and urging empathy for a child sex offender.