Conaway to Hagel: You Don't Trust Congress, It's Insulting

Conaway slams Hagel over Bergdahl deal

Rep. Mike Conaway (R., Tex.) and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel got into a heated exchange over the Defense Secretary’s revelation that "the trust has been broken" between the White House and Congress, as previously reported by the Free Beacon.

Hagel’s remarks were made after the Obama administration failed to follow U.S. law and release five of the top Taliban leaders without input from Congress.

At an House Armed Services hearing, Conaway confronted Hagel about his comments. "Secretary Hagel, trust is a fragile concept," Conaway said. He continued, "And you said towards the end of your conversation that you broke trust with the committee and with Congress."

"I didn’t say that," Hagel responded, before adding "I think I said something different."

Conaway pressed, "So it was your call to not notify Congress [about the impending Bergdahl rescue]….

Secretary Hagel replied "I notified Congress, but I—"

Conaway once again shut the Secretary of Defense down, telling him "No you didn’t."

Hagel attempted to clarify his remarks, informing Conaway that he notified Congress after Bergdahl had been rescued.

Published under: Chuck Hagel , Taliban