Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes is under fire for promoting a raise in the minimum wage while her family's restaurant, Hugh Jass Burgers, continues to pay its tip-earning staffers minimum wage.
Grimes made a concerted effort to distance herself from her family's restaurant the same way she has distanced herself from President Obama.
"Listen, my family is not in this race. I'm on the ballot," Grimes told CNN. "As much as Mitch McConnell wants to attack my family, he has from the beginning, I'm going to stay focused on the issues."
The restaurant, for which Grimes conducts legal work, also features some blatantly sexist menu items such as "Charlotte's Rack, sure to be voted biggest rack" named after Grimes' mother, and "Abby's Hugh Jass," a burger named after her sister.
In 2013, Grimes' campaign accused the GOP of sexism.