President Obama plans to sign an executive order to end the pay gap between men and women working in the federal government on Tuesday as the White House has also come under fire for their failure to pay men and women equal wages.
During the White House briefing Monday, reporters asked Carney to explain why an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute found the median salary for female White House staffers was 12 percent lower than those of male staffers.
Carney struggled to provide an explanation, barely mustering "We, as an institution here, have aggressively, addressed this challenge. And obviously though, at the 88 cents that you cite- that is not 100, but it is better than the national average."
A recent Washington Free Beacon report also revealed that Democrats in the Senate have continuously paid their female staffers lower wages than their male staffers.
The White House cites factors such as job experience, education, and hours worked, to justify the staggering wage gap.