Foreign Policy editor and CEO David Rothkopf said President Obama's unwillingness to pursue the Islamic State (IS, ISIL or ISIS) constituted a "doctrine of reluctance" during an interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe Thursday.
"I think he wants to appear to be active and prosecute the war against ISIS. I don't think he wants to go any further," Rothkopf told Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza. "I think he wants Congress to rein him in."
Rothkopf noted that on Wednesday, Obama's deputy national security adviser Tony Blinken said Obama was open to limits on war authorization from Congress.
"The Obama doctrine in this case is a doctrine of reluctance. He is not deeply committed to some bigger campaign in the region," Rothkopf said. "I think he accepts the idea that the region needs to take care of itself. The problem is every time somebody in the region tries to take care of themselves, it makes the U.S. a little uncomfortable because it may not turn out exactly the way we want it."