Former CIA lawyer John Rizzo went on Morning Joe Friday to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats following the Tuesday release on the CIA’s history of interrogation techniques.
Many of the same Democrats who are now condemning the CIA for their interrogation program were the first to sign off on it.
Rizzo described the "gang of eight" congressional members who were briefed on the proposed CIA interrogation techniques following the 9/11 attacks. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Ca.) and Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D., W.V.) were both members of the gang of eight.
Host Joe Scarborough asked of Rizzo, "so what was Nancy Pelosi briefed on? Was she briefed on the water boarding? Was she briefed on all the enhanced interrogation techniques at that time?"
"Yeah, chapter and verse, all of them, in detail," Rizzo said. "The sleep deprivation. All of it. As was Jay Rockefeller, I should mention, Joe. You know Senator Rockefeller has been out there decrying the morality of the program. He was briefed. He was part of that original gang of eight. And the point is none of them expressed any concern, opposition."