Hagel: Bombing in Boston a 'Cruel Act of Terror'

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel expressed his condolences Tuesday for those killed during Monday's "cruel act of terror" at the finish line of the Boston Marathon:

DEFENSE SECRETARY HAGEL: Before I begin my prepared remarks on the budget today, let me say a few words about what happened in Boston yesterday. Like all Americans, the thoughts and prayers of our people at DoD and all of Washington are with the people of Boston today, especially the families and the victims of what appears to be a cruel act of terror.

As the president said yesterday, we still do not know who did this or why and a thorough investigation will have to determine whether it was planned and carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic. It’s important not to jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. But as the White House said last night, any event with multiple explosive devices, as this appears to be, is clearly an act of terror and will be approached as an act of terror. The president has made clear that we will find out who did this, we will find out why they did this, and any responsible individuals or groups will be brought to justice.

I’d like to commend local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for their quick response to yesterday’s tragic events; and also express our gratitude to the members of the National Guard supporting the marathon who were among the first on the scene.

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