Chuck Todd: 'We Still Haven't Heard a Clear Explanation' from White House on New Justification for Bergdahl Trade

NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd reported Thursday the White House still had not explained the sudden change in their justification of making the trade with the Taliban for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Initially, the administration said that indications of Bergdahl's failing health were behind the decision to secretly make the deal of exchanging five captured Taliban commanders to get him back.

Then, sources leaked Thursday the reason was that the Taliban had threatened to execute Bergdahl if the terms of the deal became public. The question became, if that was truly the reason, why wasn't that explained in the first place?

"We still haven't heard a clear explanation from aides traveling with the president about why the White House story changed today, other than chalking it up to media leaks," Todd said.

Published under: Chuck Todd , NBC , Taliban