BEASTMODE: Scarborough: If You Ban a Puppet Movie Fearing North Korea, 'Let Me Just Say You Suck'

December 19, 2014

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called out Hollywood studios who have banned the screening of Team America: World Police due to fears of terrorism on Friday’s Morning Joe.

"Let me just say, you suck," Scarborough told them.

On Thursday, several U.S. theaters announced they would screen Team America in response to Sony Pictures’ decision to cancel the premiere of The Interview—which portrays the assassination of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un—due to threats of a ‘9/11-style’ attack. Later on in the day, Paramount Pictures announced they were banning the screenings of Team America, but gave no specific reason why.

Scarborough was upset by the collective cowardice of Hollywood.

"I really am stunned that everyone has capitulated," Scarborough said. "And Team America? A movie that came out years ago, that is a funny movie? There are puppets in the movie!

"If we have got to the point now where you are banning puppet movies because you fear North Korea--let me just say you suck. I'm glad you don't guard the Pentagon. I'm glad you weren't there in 1944 scaling the walls of Normandy. You just suck."

Published under: Joe Scarborough