NY State Budget Committee Repeals Gun Requirements

The New York state budget committee approved a revised budget on Monday that repeals the ballistics-imaging and microstamping requirements that were included in the original state budget proposal. According to

Ballistics imaging requires companies to shoot "sample" shots from a gun in order for law enforcement to collect the spent shell casings and store their marking in a database system so that, in theory, law enforcement would be able to match-up the markings on any casings recovered at crime scenes to determine which specific gun fired the rounds. The microstamping is a patented process in which companies would be required to use a micro-laser to engrave the firearm's make, model and serial number on the tip of a firing pin so that it would imprint on discharged cartridge cases.

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation:

Remington Arms Co. and Kimber Manufacturing, both New York-based manufacturers, voiced strong opposition to microstamping in Albany.

This is a tremendous victory for law-abiding firearm owners, retailers and manufacturers.


Published under: New Gun Laws