Nancy Pelosi Endorses Jesse Jackson Jr.

PELOSI: Jesse Jackson Jr. comes from a proud tradition. He came to the congress and he is making his own mark there. He deserves re-election and we all want to do everything possible to make sure that happens. For many reasons: personal, that is to say his own personal leadership; committee-wise, you wouldn’t want to give up a committee position of such seniority on the Appropriations Committee that serves this community, this entire state so well. Jesse, thank you for your leadership. And Jesse, thank you for yours. Right now I’m focusing on Junior, I see the pins that say Jr. He may be junior in terms of title within the family, but he’s very senior in the amount of respect he commands in the Congress of the United States. So, thank you Jesse for your leadership, good luck in your election. I am proud to endorse you. Thank you.

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