Koch Industries to Obama: We're Not Gonna Take It

February 10, 2012

The president and COO of Government and Public Affairs for Koch Companies Public Sector LLC responded to harsh Democratic attacks on Koch Industries in a statement Friday, Politico reports:

Philip Ellender, president and COO of Government and Public Affairs for Koch Companies Public Sector LLC said in the statement: "Apparently, the President and his allies do not want to lose that perceived fundraising advantage during the 2012 Presidential campaign, and are trying to intimidate into silence those who may disagree with them and who may decide to support other candidates."

Pelosi said at a news conference on Thursday: "The president has made a decision, which I think was a wise one, that he was not going to unilaterally disarm and leave the field to the Koch brothers to decide who would be president of the United States and who would control the Congress. " Ellender’s statement began: "We will exercise our First Amendment rights and not be intimidated or silenced by the President’s aides and his allies who criticize private citizens that disagree with the President's policies.

Read former U.S. solicitor general and Koch outside counsel Theodore Olson's Wall Street Journal op-ed, "Obama's Enemies List," here.

Published under: Koch Industries