REPORTER: And lastly, you said you would take a question on Priorities USA, but you had also said the same thing yesterday, that you would take that same question, so is this something that you are…
CARNEY: I honestly--I’ll see if I can get an answer, but I… again I.. the … I didn’t look into it yesterday, I just forgot. But it is simply… it is a fact that this administration, in this administration as in previous administrations, officials in the White House and in the cabinet are able to participate, on their own time, in political activities. So, if there’s more information I will get it.
REPORTER: It’s just that you haven’t answered…
CARNEY: Well let me just see what we are gathering here versus what…the organization that you referenced or others might have to give out. We’re not collecting all this data, it’s not really…again, this is private activity, not, not White House activity.