Stop Hillary PAC: 'We Look Forward to Delivering Thousands of Valentines to Hillary, If We Can Find Her'

February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone--especially Hillary Clinton.

The Stop Hillary PAC launched a site Friday featuring Clinton-themed Valentine's cards to send to "a friend and remind them how awful Hillary Clinton is." For every Valentine sent, the PAC will send Hillary one as well.

While Hillary is the star, other Valentines feature Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Brian Williams, Elizabeth Warren, and Barack Obama.

"This is a light-hearted way for millions of Americans who reject Hillary's radical agenda to remind their friends how disastrous a Clinton presidency would be for our country," said Ted Harvey, chairman of Stop Hillary PAC. "We look forward to delivering thousands of Valentines to Hillary, if we can find her."

Here's a sneak preview:

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Published under: Super PACs