Bucking American pop culture's hyper-metabolizing trend, Anna Kendrick’s try-out diddy in last year’s criminally under-looked "Pitch Perfect," remains in the top 10 of the Billboard 100, where it's been for the past five weeks. Despite that the movie came out last October, the movie’s soundtrack is the best selling album of 2013.
Kendrick reacted to this anomaly accurately.
Kendrick belongs to this new ilk of Hollywood starlet who act like a regular people who just happen to be ridiculously talented and adored by millions.

For as much as I enjoy Kendrick, I don't co-sign on her workplace habits.
She’s doesn't take herself seriously.

She'll pop in a music video for the occasional Illuminati reference.
She knows the way to America's heart is by what they obsessively tweet about.
Anna Kendrick, she's one of us.