With Sports Illustrated swimsmoke editors already jet-setting to their next fantastical destination, we’ve arrived at the unofficial launch of the 2015 issue. Another SI swimsmoke hard at work is Hannah Davis, who’s featured in a delightfully simple shoot for GQ, reminding everyone how much Dem Franchize Boyz' "White Tee" banged back in 2004.

Hannah's game isn't restricted to just her white tee.

Hannah is also Derek Jeter’s latest lady companion. Luckily, one of his legendary swag bag-gifted cab rides to the Jersey Shore, the destination of her SI swimsmoke mag shoot, is not too far from Manhattan.

She’s on and off with Jeets, we're told, but at the moment she says "she’s very happy." I can only imagine that's because she frequents the same surf shop where Beyonce and Jay Z purchase surfboards.

True to Jersey's general unpleasantness, Hannah had to fend off Vinny, Ronnie, Pauly D, and the Situation before finishing her shoot.
As a true swimsmoke, Hannah acted professionally and singlehandedly made the Jersey Shore somewhere you'd actually want to spend your vacation.