Free Beacon
Washington Free Beacon Staff
Ellison Barber: Obamacare's Swollen Medicaid Rolls Threaten State Budgets
Barber warns surge in medicaid enrollment may backfire on state budgets
November 1, 2013
Benghazi Operators Will Testify Week of Nov. 11 in Classified Hearing
State Department says none of its contractors were involved in storing or transferring weapons
November 1, 2013
Israeli Aviation Security Expert Says U.S. Needs More Profiling to Prevent Attacks on 'The Cycle'
Ari Melber and Toure shocked
November 1, 2013
CBS: Obamacare Enrollment 'Off to an Incredibly Slow Start'
CMS War room notes 'leave no doubt that the enrollment figures, which the administration has chosen to keep secret, are available'
October 31, 2013
Carney: 'The Website Has Been Functional; It's Just Been Poorly Functional'
'If you're asking me will enrollment be low, the answer is yes because that was always going to be the case'
October 31, 2013