Free Beacon
Washington Free Beacon Staff
Matthews to Female Dem. House Candidate: 'You Remind Me of Mike Mansfield'
'Look him up'
March 5, 2014
McConnell Delivers Scathing Criticism Of Adegbile
Adegbile defended unrepentant cop-killer Mumia abu Jamal
March 5, 2014
MSNBC Rallies Behind Charter Schools
Panel Blasts Dem Mayor for Blocking Three Charter Schools
March 5, 2014
Rumsfeld: Putin Is Punching Above His Weight, U.S. Isn't Punching At All
'We don't have a foreign policy, we don't have a strategy'
March 4, 2014
Ryan: Romney Was Right, Obama Has Been Naive With Putin
'There are moments when I look down, shake my head and say I can't believe we lost to these guys'
March 4, 2014
Greta Lights Up Chris Murphy On Harry Reid's Koch Comments
Dem. Senator refuses to acknowledge Reid's chronic pattern of smears
March 4, 2014
Krauthammer: 'Unwise' To Take NATO Military Response Off The Table In Ukraine
'What if there's a full scale invasion all the way to Kiev, are you going to do nothing?'
March 4, 2014