Free Beacon
Washington Free Beacon Editors
The Biden Administration Thinks You're Stupid
… and the fact-checkers actually are
February 11, 2022
The Facebook Scandal That Wasn't
The WSJ spins a tale about the tech giant in cahoots with the right. Here's what was left out.
December 30, 2021
Biden to Uyghurs: Drop Dead
The administration lobbies against a human rights measure to pave the way for a climate deal
December 6, 2021
Reality Bites the Democrats
The party's attempts to deny reality are a political loser
November 3, 2021
Democrats Learn a Lesson on School Safety in Virginia
Mental health professionals are no substitute for the police, city lawmakers learn
October 19, 2021
The Devolution of the DOJ
Merrick Garland's focus on school board meetings over violent crime diminishes the department
October 5, 2021