Free Beacon Todd Shepherd

Todd Shepherd is a former staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He began his reporting career in radio, working as an anchor and reporter for KOMA in Oklahoma City and KOA in Denver. He spent eight years as the investigative reporter for the Independence Institute in Colorado, a free-market-based think tank. Campaigns and Elections magazine named him a "Top Colorado Influencer" for his reporting and news blog. He’s a graduate of the media studies program from Oklahoma Baptist University.

Steyer Impeachment Ad Aims to Pressure Newly Elected Members of Congress

Billionaire still hoping to create coalition willing to impeach President Trump

November 27, 2018

Democrats' Redistricting Effort Touts Wins Where Steyer and Soros Invested

Holder-led PAC may owe Democrat gains more to billionaire activists

November 19, 2018
voting booth

Arizona GOP Announces Independent Audit of Maricopa County Recorder

Party says it hopes audit will "produce a fair, factually-based report" of tally

November 15, 2018
voting booth

Maricopa Board Expressed Concern to Fontes Over 'Emergency Voting' Centers

McSally concedes as actions of Maricopa County recorder endure scrutiny

November 12, 2018
Martha McSally, Kyrsten Sinema

'Emergency Voting' Centers Opened by Dem Recorder Raise Questions

Republicans argue Maricopa merely created illegal extension of early voting

November 12, 2018

Arizona GOP Accuses Dem Recorder of Destroying Evidence

Says actions ensured there could be no review of alleged voting irregularities

November 9, 2018
Martha McSally, Kyrsten Sinema

Legal Battle Emerges as Arizona Senate Vote Count Drags On

'Outstack' ballots could become the next 'hanging chad' scenario

November 8, 2018

Colorado Voters Nix Proposed Restrictions on Oil and Gas Drilling

Opponents argued it was total ban of energy production

November 7, 2018
Martha McSally, Kyrsten Sinema

Ariz. Senate Race Will Come Down to Turnout, New Poll Says

Green candidate dropout giving boost to Sinema

November 5, 2018
Keith Ellison

Ellison Questioned Journalist's Motives After He Reported on Jesse Jackson

Ellison quoted Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in article

November 5, 2018