Free Beacon Patrick Hauf

Patrick is a Staff Writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. You can reach him at His Twitter handle is @PatrickHauf.

Corporate Shakedown

Shareholder activists driving liberal shift of American business

August 12, 2019

Union Drops Members for Giving Up Forced Dues

AFSCME angered workers agreed to opt-in membership

July 24, 2019

Foster Mothers Challenge Philadelphia's 'Discriminatory' Adoption Agenda

Suit asks Supreme Court to end city reg targeting religious adoption, foster care agencies

July 23, 2019

Suit: Break Up Big Labor

Massachusetts teachers challenge union monopoly power

July 12, 2019

Study Links School Choice to Crime Reduction

Students who participated in voucher program less likely than peers to be arrested

July 11, 2019

CBO: Minimum Wage Hike Could Eliminate Millions of Jobs

Dems seek to vote $15 minimum wage bill before August

July 10, 2019

Largest U.S. Teachers' Union Endorses Abortion

NEA passes resolution defending the 'fundamental right to abortion'

July 9, 2019

New Study Shows Potentially Dangerous Effects of Abortion Drugs

Analysis found negative behavioral impact of mifepristone and misoprostol on lab rats

July 7, 2019

GOP Lawmakers Ask HHS to Eliminate Abortion Charges

Letter asks HHS to finalize proposed rule on Obamacare exchanges

July 3, 2019

AFL-CIO Income Inequality Report Uses Dubious Data

Critics say union's CEO pay report ignores economic reality

July 2, 2019