Free Beacon Natalie Johnson

Natalie Johnson is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she was a news reporter at the Daily Signal. Johnson’s work has been featured in outlets such as Newsweek, Fox News and Drudge Report. She graduated from James Madison University in 2015 with a B.A. in political science and journalism. She can be reached at Her twitter handle is @nataliejohnsonn.

Boston Marathon bombing

Ex-DEA Agent: U.S. Failing to Share Intel in Terror Cases Five Years After Boston

'If you have a wall up…you're going to have breakdowns and people are going to die'

April 19, 2018

Lawmakers Press USDA to Limit China's Telecoms Scope Amid National Security Threat

China accessing U.S. networks to steal commercial, government secrets

April 17, 2018

USDA Grants May Have Helped Chinese Telecoms Access U.S. Military Bases

Lawmakers, intel community warn Huawei could be used to spy on behalf of the Chinese government

April 13, 2018

Lawsuit Describes 'Pervasively Hostile' Anti-Jewish Atmosphere at San Francisco State

Former student: Administrators ignored threats by Palestinian classmate

April 4, 2018
Taiwan F-35

GOP Senator: Trump Will be Receptive to F-35 Sales to Taiwan

Sen. Jim Inhofe: 'We're no longer going to be afraid of doing what is right'

March 30, 2018

U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan Encumbered by High Turnover

Commanders say the 'constant churn of personnel remains an obstacle'

March 29, 2018

Yemen Civil War Shows No Signs of Slowdown as It Enters Fourth Year

Country facing 'slow death,' says International Committee of the Red Cross

March 27, 2018
Bahraini protesters

Report: Governments Increasingly Use Counterterrorism Laws as Means to Curb Human Rights

'The term 'terrorist' or 'extremist' is increasingly defined in many countries as those who simply dissent'

March 25, 2018
Feinstein Leahy

Senate Democrats Prevent Stand-Alone Vote for Taylor Force Act

Act would cut off U.S. aid to Palestinian government

March 22, 2018