Free Beacon Natalie Johnson

Natalie Johnson is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she was a news reporter at the Daily Signal. Johnson’s work has been featured in outlets such as Newsweek, Fox News and Drudge Report. She graduated from James Madison University in 2015 with a B.A. in political science and journalism. She can be reached at Her twitter handle is @nataliejohnsonn.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley

Top Army Officer Condemns Congress's Failure to Pass Budget as 'Professional Malpractice'

Gen. Mark Milley: 'The world is a dangerous place … pass the budget'

April 6, 2017
Gen. John Hyten

Top General Says U.S. Solution to North Korean Aggression Must Involve China

China accounts for more than 90 percent of North Korea's trade

April 4, 2017
Newly recruited Houthi fighters chant slogans as they ride a military vehicle during a gathering in the capital Sanaa

U.S. Inaction in Yemen Has Emboldened Iranian-Backed Houthi Rebels

Cotton: 'Iran isn’t shy about subverting its enemies … and we shouldn’t be either'

April 3, 2017

Former Denmark Prime Minister: U.S. Should Escalate Sanctions Against Russia

Anders Fogh Rasmussen urges Trump to supply lethal defense weapons to Ukraine

March 31, 2017
Smoke plumes rise after an airstrike in west Mosul

U.S. Central Command Confirms Formal Investigation Into Mosul Air Strike

Gen. Votel: 'Important to recognize that the enemy does use human shields'

March 29, 2017

Iran Faces Stricter Sanctions in Bipartisan House, Senate Bills

Legislation would target individuals, entities involved in Iran's ballistic missile development

March 25, 2017