Free Beacon Morgan Chalfant

Morgan Chalfant is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, Morgan worked as a staff writer at Red Alert Politics. She also served as the year-long Collegiate Network fellow on the editorial page at USA TODAY from 2013-14. Morgan graduated from Boston College in 2013 with a B.A. in English and Mathematics. Her Twitter handle is @mchalfant16.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Loses Among Democrats Who Care Most About Honesty

Exit polls show voters who prioritize trust want Bernie

March 16, 2016
John Kasich

John Kasich Wins Ohio

Donald Trump prevails in winner-take-all Florida, Marco Rubio suspends campaign

March 15, 2016

Ted Strickland Calls Hillary Clinton’s Coal Comments ‘Unartful’

Ohio Senate candidate, Hillary ally, criticizes phrasing but defends her stance on coal jobs

March 15, 2016
Ted Strickland

Strickland’s Support for Clinton Stirs Up Trouble in Coal Country

In Ohio, Clinton pledged to put coal miners out of business

March 15, 2016
Cathy McMorris Rodgers

House GOP Conference Chair Unveils Bill to Fight Government ‘Zombies’

Legislation would put unauthorized government programs on path to lose funding

March 14, 2016