Free Beacon Morgan Chalfant

Morgan Chalfant is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, Morgan worked as a staff writer at Red Alert Politics. She also served as the year-long Collegiate Network fellow on the editorial page at USA TODAY from 2013-14. Morgan graduated from Boston College in 2013 with a B.A. in English and Mathematics. Her Twitter handle is @mchalfant16.

SecDef Calls for More Joint Patrols in Asia-Pacific

Carter slams China for undercutting freedom of navigation

September 30, 2016
VA Medical Center in Albuquerque, N.M.

Veterans With Cancer Died After Delays at VA Hospital

Watchdog: New Mexico VA put patients with colorectal cancer at ‘unnecessary risk for adverse outcomes’

September 29, 2016

Homeland Security Chair: Anti-ISIS Coalition Thinks America Isn’t Leading Enough

Terror group’s ability to conduct attacks not diminished, official says

September 27, 2016
Brian Mast

GOP Candidate Slams ‘Arrogant’ Opponent for Berating Him on Military Service

Brian Mast outlines experience on national security, vets’ issues in bid for Florida seat

September 26, 2016