Free Beacon Lachlan Markay

Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

Acing the SNAP Challenge

GOP communications director eats for $4.50 per day

June 18, 2013

CFPB Working to Limit Transparency

Controversial new agency tells employees to limit info on government calendars

June 18, 2013

DOJ to Study Fracking Boom and Sexual Assault

Pro-fracking advocates: population booms have led to increase in all crimes at fracking sites

June 18, 2013

Nervous OFA Goes on Offense Over Obamacare

Obama-backing group announces seven-figure ad buy touting Obamacare

June 17, 2013

NSA Leaker Had Legal Means to Reveal Information

Whistleblowers have multiple legal avenues to divulge illegal or improper activities

June 14, 2013

White House: Assad Crosses Red Line

Obama administration still unsure how it will respond

June 13, 2013

Building a Ground Game

Keystone Pipeline company TransCanada beefing up online PR presence

June 13, 2013

Clean Coal Cronyism

DOE pledged $100M to over-budget program after Dem donor’s company stepped in

June 12, 2013

Fmr. FCC Chairman Reverses Self

Reed Hundt now opposes rule that could keep Koch Bros. from buying L.A. Times

June 11, 2013

Critics Blast Obama Nominee for Election Assistance Commissioner

Myrna Perez criticized as ‘radical’ activist

June 11, 2013