Free Beacon Lachlan Markay

Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

Sean Eldridge

Lines Blur Between Eldridge Business and Campaign

Firm run by TNR editor’s husband seen as de facto political group

December 11, 2013

IG Report: EPA Employees Get Slaps on the Wrist for Integrity Violations

U.S. Attorney’s Office declines to prosecute assaults, other charges

December 10, 2013

Wisconsin Dem Hires Rowdy Union Activist

Former SEIU official accosted septuagenarians at GOP fundraiser

December 5, 2013
Douglas Brice Jordan

Achillean’s Heel

Feature: Think Jack Abramoff gave lobbyists a bad name? Meet Douglas Brice Jordan

December 5, 2013

Obama Bundler Bets Against

Democratic money man makes ‘potentially lucrative’ bet against website contractor

December 4, 2013
Users continue to report issues with

The Login Guidelines Are Ridiculous

Feature: thwarting users trying to reset passwords, user names

December 3, 2013

Steyer Panelist Wants Massive Tax Hikes, Smaller TVs

Experts: Panelist at NextGen event betrays environmental radicalism

December 2, 2013

IG Questions Stimulus Grants to African Drummers, D.C. Media Firm

Vendor had political connections, but little experience

December 2, 2013

Experts Say IRS Guidance Will Restrict Free Speech

Move seen as a reaction to scandal involving unfair treatment of Tea Party groups

November 26, 2013
Obamacare supporter rally

Sourcing the Lie

Herndon Alliance promoted untrue Obamacare promises through last year

November 20, 2013