Free Beacon Lachlan Markay

Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush Energy Plan Gets Personal

Contrast with Clinton plan stresses benefits of ‘energy revolution’ for individuals, businesses

September 29, 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton

In Battle of Dem Constituencies, Clinton Picks Greens Over Unions

Laborers Union hammers Dem frontrunner for ‘turning [her] back on American workers’

September 23, 2015
Polar bear

Scientist Demands Federal Investigation of Climate Change Skeptics

Government-funded scientist Jagadish Shukla pushing for racketeering charges against political opponents

September 22, 2015
Credit: @hamiltonmusic Instagram

The Tupac of the Founding Fathers

REVIEW: Lin-Manuel Miranda, ‘Hamilton: An American Musical,’ at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City

September 19, 2015

No One Likes Bill de Blasio

Vanity Fair profile littered with unflattering quotes

September 17, 2015

How Republicans Are Working to Avoid a Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

House leadership discussing Planned Parenthood defunding alternatives with key conservative bloc

September 17, 2015
Steve Beshear

Group Accuses Kentucky of Hiding Emails Showing EPA Collaboration

Legal watchdog says Dem governor’s office stonewalled open records requests

September 16, 2015