Free Beacon Kevin Mooney

Green Activists With Ties to China Advised Obama State Department

NRDC’s role in Paris Agreement revealed by FOIA emails

July 23, 2019

Environmental Activists Pushed Chinese-Friendly Policies with Obama Administration

Green group denies need to register as foreign agent

February 16, 2019

Open Records Lawsuits Probe Into Russian Support for U.S. Green Groups

Treasury, State sued for documents pertaining to Russian funding of anti-fracking efforts

December 19, 2018

Analysts: Litigation Reform Needed to Curb Lawsuits Undermining Conservation

'Perverse incentives' encourage suits that drain federal coffers

August 23, 2017

Groups Seek to Use Anti-Regulatory Tool to Undo Obama-Era Land Restrictions

Congressional Review Act of 1996 could be used to free up millions of acres in the west

May 8, 2017