Free Beacon Karl Salzmann

Karl Salzmann is an assistant editor at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously the Collegiate Network fellow at the New York Post and the Collegiate Network intern at National Review. His email is

Democrats Say They're Losing Latinos

Hispanics think party 'takes them for granted'

January 19, 2022

Killings of Cops Spiked in 2021

Fatal shootings of police up 36 percent

January 12, 2022

US Planes Grounded After North Korea Launches Missile

Government won't say which agency ordered 'ground stop'

January 11, 2022

Biden COVID Bill Gave $1,400 to Boston BomberĀ 

Judge says money to be dispersed among victims

January 6, 2022

Electric Truck Company To Pay $125 Million Settlement for Misleading Investors

Nikola scammed investors with video of non-functional truck rolling down a hill

December 21, 2021

New York Orders Cuomo To Return 'Blood Money' Book Profits

Ex-gov must return $5.1 million from COVID book deal, ethics panel rules

December 15, 2021
President Biden Delivers Remarks At Summit For Democracy

Poll: Vast Majority Unfazed By Omicron, Oppose MandatesĀ 

69 percent 'say no new mandates or restrictions are required'

December 15, 2021

The Taliban Wants the World's 'Mercy and Compassion'

Terrorist group pleads for sanctions relief

December 13, 2021

Dem Rep Bans Staffers From Using 'Latinx'

'When Latino politicos use the term it is largely to appease white rich progressives who think that is the term we use'

December 6, 2021