Free Beacon Karl Salzmann

Karl Salzmann is an assistant editor at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously the Collegiate Network fellow at the New York Post and the Collegiate Network intern at National Review. His email is

Dem Rep: 'Squad' Speech Is Like 'Keying Your Own Car and Slashing Your Own Tires'

Tlaib State of the Union response 'highlights the real tension' in the Democratic Party

March 1, 2022

House Ethics Chairman Becomes Latest Dem To Jump From Sinking Ship

Another pro-Israel Democrat chased out of Congress

February 28, 2022

Andrew Cuomo Connives Comeback

'Luv Guv' ads will start reappearing on New York TV screens

February 25, 2022

As Putin Invaded, John Kerry Wanted To Change the Subject

Biden adviser said war will distract from climate change

February 24, 2022

British Government Reaches Conclusion on COVID Origins

A natural origin for COVID 'just didn't make sense,' expert says

February 23, 2022

Black Female Politician Overcomes Racist, Sexist Prank To Preside Over Virginia Senate

Virginia lieutenant gov Winsome Sears fashions shoe into gavel

February 15, 2022