Free Beacon John D. Davidson

John D. Davidson is a writer in Austin, Texas, and a Senior Contributor at The Federalist. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Texas Monthly, National Review, and elsewhere. @johnddavidson

Jonathan Franzen

The Trouble With Novels
That Bring the News

Essay: Jonathan Franzen and fiction as social commentary

November 1, 2015
Mario Vargas Llosa

A Culture Warrior Contemplates Defeat

Review: Mario Vargas Llosa, ‘Notes on the Death of Culture’

August 15, 2015
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis

Tolkien, Lewis, and a World Shot through with Meaning

Review: Philip and Carol Zaleski, ‘The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings’

July 11, 2015

Dada Land

Review: Philipp Blom, ‘Fracture: Life and Culture in the West: 1918-1938’

May 24, 2015