Free Beacon Jessica Costescu

Jessica Costescu is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. She graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service with a major in International Politics and a concentration in Foreign Policy. She also holds an Associate Degree in Administration of Justice from Cypress College. She can be reached at

Columbia Lets 48-Hour Deadline Slide With No Action Against Student Protesters

'There is a rumor that the NYPD has been invited to campus this evening. This rumor is false,' school officials said late Thursday

April 26, 2024

Columbia Student Protesters Urge Reporters To Leave Campus, Schedule Presser for 12 Hours After Expiration of School's Negotiation Deadline

'We will remain in this encampment until we achieve all of our demands,' international student Mahmoud Khalil says

April 25, 2024

GOP Delegation Arrives at Columbia To Call for Shafik's Resignation

'We just can't allow this kind of hatred and anti-Semitism to flourish on our campuses,' says Johnson

April 24, 2024

Columbia Law Students Tell Jewish Classmates Police Presence on Campus Makes Them Feel Unsafe

‘Your safety shouldn’t be predicated on making others unsafe,’ says Aya Hashem

April 24, 2024

NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers

Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022

April 23, 2024

Columbia Professors Declare Solidarity With Student Protesters and Call for Shafik's Resignation

'She has forfeited the privilege to lead this great university,' said history professor Christopher Brown

April 22, 2024

Columbia University Campus Unravels in Face of Escalating Anti-Semitic, Eliminationist Protests

President Shafik faces call to resign as anti-Semitic agitators engulf Manhattan campus

April 22, 2024

Columbia's Joseph Massad Calls BS on University President Minouche Shafik's Testimony

'President Shafik misconstrued what happened,' professor says

April 18, 2024