Free Beacon Jack Caravelli

Jack Caravelli served in the Central Intelligence Agency, the White House National Security Council Staff from 1996-2000, and then as deputy assistant secretary at the Department of Energy from 2000-2003. He is the author of Beyond Sand & Oil: The Nuclear Middle East and Nuclear Insecurity.

Intelligence for Democracies

Review: Michael Hayden, ‘Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror’

April 3, 2016

Briefing the Leader of the Free World

Review: David Priess, 'The President’s Book of Secrets'

March 26, 2016

New Russian Strategy Labels NATO and U.S. as ‘Threats’

First threat designation since fall of Soviet Union

January 6, 2016
Vladimir Putin

What Drives Putin

Review: Steven Lee Myers, ‘The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin’

January 3, 2016