Free Beacon Haris Alic

Haris Alic is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the staff, Haris worked in communications and government relations at various non-profits. Haris lives in Arlington, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @realHarisAlic. He can be reached at

Dick's Sporting Goods to Stop Selling 'Assault-Style' Rifles

Retailer will also extend similar 2012 ban to end sale of 'assault-style' rifles in its 35 Field & Stream stores

February 28, 2018

GOP Chairwoman: 'I'm Proud That Our Party Elected' Michael Steele

ACU spokesman at CPAC: Steele only elected to lead RNC because he was African American

February 26, 2018

Booker and Gillibrand Want to Stymie Special Interest Spending, Except for Labor Unions and Ideological Groups

Under the law, corporate PACs and PACs associated with labor unions and ideological groups operate under the same standard

February 24, 2018