Free Beacon Haris Alic

Haris Alic is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the staff, Haris worked in communications and government relations at various non-profits. Haris lives in Arlington, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @realHarisAlic. He can be reached at

Conservative Group Launches $1.5 Million Ad Buy in Nevada Governor's Race

New ad touts GOP candidate's record cutting government waste

June 27, 2018

NBA Legend Stirs Controversy for Apparently Attending Trump Rally in Minnesota

Media figures, liberal activists call on Kevin McHale to be fired as an NBA analyst

June 22, 2018

Dem Senate Candidate Profits From Big Oil, Despite Making 'Renewable Energy' Focal Point of Campaign

(Updated): Rosen Opposed Trump Admin on Nuclear Power While Holding Stock in Company Seeking to Build Nuclear Reactor

June 21, 2018