Free Beacon Haris Alic

Haris Alic is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the staff, Haris worked in communications and government relations at various non-profits. Haris lives in Arlington, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @realHarisAlic. He can be reached at

Brett Kavanaugh

RNC Views SCOTUS Fight as Opportunity to Energize Base Ahead of Midterms

Relying on methods that secured confirmations of Gorsuch, Haspel, and Pompeo

July 16, 2018

Ken Bennett Billed Taxpayers for Personal and Political Travel

Ducey's primary opponent touts fiscal conservatism, despite record to the contrary

July 12, 2018

Colorado Democrats Settle on a Nominee for Attorney General

General election offers two very different visions for what should be the role of Colorado's top law enforcement officer

July 2, 2018

Report Throws Water on 'Blue Wave'

Democrat's need to win at least 48 House seats and 7 Senate seats for their "blue wave" to reach the shore

June 29, 2018