Free Beacon Haris Alic

Haris Alic is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the staff, Haris worked in communications and government relations at various non-profits. Haris lives in Arlington, Virginia. His Twitter handle is @realHarisAlic. He can be reached at

Trump Delivers Closing Argument of 2018 Campaign

'This election is about safety and this election is about jobs’

November 6, 2018

Indiana Dems Make Last Ditch Effort to Split GOP Votes and Save Donnelly

Democrats launched ads and mailers supporting Libertarian candidate without campaign's approval

November 5, 2018
Giuliani campaigns in Indiana

Giuliani Warns Indiana Voters: ‘You Don’t Want Schumer as Senate Majority Leader’

'If you vote for Donnelly, you’re voting for Chuck Schumer'

November 4, 2018

Hispanic Leadership Fund Launches Ad Highlighting Rosen's Opposition to Tax Cuts

Latino voters may hold the key to Nevada's Senate race

November 1, 2018

Heller Rejects Claims GOP Doesn't Support Coverage for Preexisting Conditions

'I don't know a single Republican...that wants to eliminate coverage for preexisting conditions'

October 30, 2018

McCaskill Missed Nearly Half of All Armed Services Hearings

Largest absences occurred while running for re-election in 2012

October 29, 2018

Graham Urges Voters to Rebuke Democrats for Kavanaugh Treatment

'It’s a noble cause in their eyes to destroy a conservative judicial candidate...I hope politically they pay a price'

October 29, 2018

Nevada Democrats Struggle to Live Up to 'Blue Wave' Hype

Nevada Democrats are failing to put away Republicans despite demographic and funding advantages

October 26, 2018
David Garcia

Garcia Continued Paying Staffer Forced to Resign Over Attacks on Law Enforcement

Arizona Democrat kept controversial staffer on campaign payroll

October 23, 2018