Free Beacon Graham Piro

Graham is a staff writer at the Free Beacon. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2018 and was a staff reporter for the College Fix. Follow him on Twitter at @graham_piro or reach him at

Christine Ford's Lawyer Wanted 'Asterisk' Next to Kavanaugh's Name

Previously denied accusations were politically motivated

September 4, 2019

San Francisco City Council Declares NRA 'Domestic Terrorist Organization'

NRA 'spreads propaganda that misinforms and aims to deceive the public'

September 4, 2019

Kansas University Faculty Council Attacks Chick-fil-A in Letter

Calls the restaurant a 'bastion of bigotry'

September 3, 2019

Judge Sets Trial Date For 9/11 Plotters

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, four others to face 2021 trial

August 30, 2019
Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee

DOJ Report: Comey Violated FBI Policy by Leaking Memos

Comey avoids prosecution, but sets 'dangerous example'

August 29, 2019

Steyer, Gabbard to Miss Out on Third Debate

The candidates join de Blasio, Gillibrand, others in missing out after participating in first two

August 28, 2019

Biden Hits Harris Over Gun Control Executive Order

'You have no constitutional authority to issue that executive order'

August 28, 2019

Atlanta Mayor: Millions of People Don't Want Their Private Insurance Abolished

Abolishing private insurance 'is unsettling to a lot of people'

August 28, 2019

IfNotNow Activist Accuses Jewish Congressman Of Dual Loyalty

'You represent American Jews, not Israelis'

August 27, 2019