Free Beacon Graham Piro

Graham is a staff writer at the Free Beacon. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2018 and was a staff reporter for the College Fix. Follow him on Twitter at @graham_piro or reach him at

O'Rourke: El Paso Shooting Came 'At the Invitation of Our President'

Calls for gun registry, licenses for every firearm, and a 'buyback'

September 7, 2019

CNN Reporter: Illegal Gun Seller Would've Been Deterred by Background Check System

Dealer apparently avoided required background check already

September 6, 2019

Buttigieg: Using a Straw or Eating a Burger Means You Are 'Part of The Problem'

Compares climate change to the Great Depression, World War II

September 5, 2019

CNN Runs Luxury Travel, BBQ Ads During Climate Town Hall

Candidates discussed limiting meat consumption, travel emissions

September 5, 2019

Sanders: My Administration Would Feature Population Control In Climate Fight

The senator proceeds to mischaracterize Mexico City Agreement

September 5, 2019

Joe Biden's Eye Fills With Blood During CNN Climate Town Hall

Former vice president currently leads in polls, despite voter concerns about age

September 4, 2019

Harris Endorses Ending The Filibuster To Pass Green New Deal

'Yes I will take executive action, and yes I will do whatever is necessary'

September 4, 2019

Biden To Attend Fundraiser With Fossil Fuel Exec After Climate Town Hall

Fossil fuel exec served as Biden's adviser in the Senate and worked on his 2008 presidential run

September 4, 2019