Free Beacon Graham Piro

Graham is a staff writer at the Free Beacon. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2018 and was a staff reporter for the College Fix. Follow him on Twitter at @graham_piro or reach him at

Hirono (D) Calls For Kavanaugh Impeachment

Accuses Trump of 'court-packing' after filing amicus brief threatening to pack Court

September 16, 2019

Dem Senator Pushes for Iran Strike

Coons says 'This is a moment where Iran is really pushing our resolve'

September 16, 2019

Morning Joe Rips New York Times, Democratic Candidates Over Kavanaugh Story

'I'm just so surprised that candidates are making conclusions here that are impossible to make'

September 16, 2019

Mitchell: Beto's Gun Remarks Make Passing Gun Control Harder

O'Rourke: 'Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47'

September 13, 2019

Watch Trump's Epic Anti-Wind Power Riff

'You happen to be watching the Democratic debate and the wind is not blowing, you are not going to see them'

September 13, 2019

Castro Hits Biden Over Health Care: 'Are You Forgetting What You Said Two Minutes Ago?'

'I'm fulfilling the legacy of Barack Obama and you're not'

September 12, 2019

Former Kentucky Dem Party Chair Convicted of Campaign Finance Violations

Funneled corporate cash to daughter's campaign against McConnell

September 12, 2019

Judge Denies California AG's Gag Order Request in Abortion Case

Defense: Request was 'unconstitutionally vague and overbroad'

September 12, 2019

Scarborough to McCaskill: You Can't 'Shovel BS Around on Our Set'

'Morning Joe' host criticizes McCaskill for being soft on Biden

September 12, 2019