Free Beacon Graham Piro

Graham is a staff writer at the Free Beacon. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2018 and was a staff reporter for the College Fix. Follow him on Twitter at @graham_piro or reach him at

Pelosi: Congress Needs To Pass Laws Allowing Indictment of Sitting President

'I do think that we will have to pass some laws that will have clarity for future presidents'

September 21, 2019

Biden Clashes With Moderator At LGBTQ Forum

Former VP to moderator: 'You're a real sweetheart'

September 21, 2019

Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership

Imagines 'constant roving fleet of electric cars' as alternative

September 19, 2019

Dem Rep: Iran's Attack on Saudi Arabia Was Trump's Fault

'Iran needs to be checked' but 'we are where we are because of the actions of Donald Trump'

September 19, 2019

Booker: Concerns About Mandatory Gun Buybacks Are 'Far-Right Fear-Mongering'

Booker stands with Beto O'Rourke on gun confiscation

September 19, 2019

Chinese National Pleads Guilty to California 'Birth Tourism' Plot

Company advertised that it had assisted more than 500 foreign nationals

September 18, 2019

NYT Reporters Blame NYT Social Media Team for Kavanaugh Screw Up

'I drafted this with this in mind to have actually the opposite effect'

September 17, 2019

Times Reporter: Alleged Kavanaugh Victim Doesn't Remember Incident Because 'She Was Drunk'

'My sense is from those who know her is that she doesn't remember it'

September 17, 2019