Free Beacon Graham Piro

Graham is a staff writer at the Free Beacon. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2018 and was a staff reporter for the College Fix. Follow him on Twitter at @graham_piro or reach him at

Pro-Abortion Democrat: I've Reflected Alabama Values

Called pro-life legislation 'shameful'

December 16, 2019

Michigan Voter Rips Dem Rep for Backing Impeachment

'Congress is wasting a lot of its time and our time'

December 16, 2019

Illegals Line Up Early for Newly Available NY Driver's Licenses

Law faced multiple suits, one of which is ongoing

December 16, 2019

Sanders Retracts Controversial California Endorsement After Backlash

Cenk Uygur announces he will not accept any other endorsements

December 13, 2019