Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

NEA Funds New Version of ‘Our Town’ Set in a 'Queer Community'

$10,000 federal grant for play set in town where ‘gender and sexual identity are fluid’

January 13, 2015

NSF Funds $18,952 Dissertation on Mating Habits of Syrian Hamsters

‘What factors drive a female to choose a particular mate?’

January 9, 2015

New Let’s Move Executive Director is a ‘Food Justice’ Activist

Debra Eschmeyer wants ‘transformation of the current food system’

January 8, 2015
A U.S. Customs and Border Patrol drone aircraft lifts off, Wednesday, Sept 24, 2014 at Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Ariz.

Audit: DHS Drone Program Ineffective at Border Security

Drones focus on only 170 miles of the southwest border

January 6, 2015

Admin to Force Companies to Disclose Ratio of CEO-to-Worker Pay

Regulation from Dodd-Frank to cost $72.7 million to comply

January 5, 2015
Children watching television

NIH Spending $433,577 to Find Out What Kids Think of Fat Characters in Movies

'Obesogenic’ culture the subject of government study

December 24, 2014

Feds Spend $33,341 to Find Out if Same-Sex Couples Live Close to Tobacco Shops

High tobacco use among same-sex couples ‘creates substantial health inequalities in cancer’

December 22, 2014

FDA Doesn’t Want Kids Playing with Lightsabers

Feds: Lightsabers aren’t as cool as they look in Star Wars

December 19, 2014