Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

Donald Trump

U.S. Tourism Declining, But It's Not Because of Trump

Media dub drop in tourism that began under Obama 'Trump slump'

January 25, 2018
obese fat overweight

Feds Spend $167,045 to Fight Fat Shaming

Grant: Obese people continue to be obese because of 'weight stigma'

January 23, 2018

State Department Spending $592,500 to 'Explore Gender Identities of Boys and Men in Kenya'

Taxpayer-funded study blames terrorism on 'ideals of masculinity'

January 22, 2018

Pruitt: EPA Will Remain Open In Case of Shutdown

Agency has 'sufficient resources' to remain open for week if deal isn't reached

January 19, 2018
Sen. Patty Murray

Senior Democratic Staffer: 'We Do Not Care About Anti-Semitism'

Committee overseeing Ken Marcus nomination ambivalent to anti-Israel groups attacking Trump nominee

January 17, 2018

Rachel Maddow Show Sparked FBI Investigation Into Death Threats Against McConnell, Pruitt

Viewer drinking while watching Maddow says 'sorry' for threatening to murder Republicans

January 12, 2018

Anti-Israel Groups Try to Smear Education Department Nominee

Kenneth Marcus attacked for fighting against BDS on campus

January 11, 2018