Free Beacon Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for Her email address is Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.

Mark Udall

Mark Udall Spent Your Tax Dollars on A Wealth Advisory Firm

Colorado Democrat billed taxpayers $4,500 for ‘miscellaneous services’

August 19, 2014

SSA Gave $3 Million in Benefits to Dead Californians

Agency ‘incorporated identity thieves’ work activity’

August 18, 2014
Tom Coburn

Report: Tax Credits Meant to Help Poor Communities Spent on Doggie Day Care, Sculptures, Breweries

Coburn: ‘When government picks winners and losers, the losers usually end up being taxpayers’

August 14, 2014

Rep. Black: Inability to Verify Obamacare Applicants’ Immigration Status Could Cost Billions

Congresswoman sends letter to HHS questioning methods to ensure proper payment of subsidies

August 13, 2014

Let’s Move’s ‘Different Approach’ to Fighting Obesity

First lady’s campaign promotes giant carrot play structure to get kids to exercise

August 12, 2014

Landrieu Billed Taxpayers $46,575 for ‘Staff Retreats’ Since 2011

Staff stayed in ‘luxurious suites decked out in nautical style’

August 8, 2014

USDA Cotton Subsidies Pay for Cars, Elephant Lamps, Artwork

Audit: $2.4 million in ‘questionable’ purchases meant to stimulate textile industry

August 7, 2014

Homeland Security Spends $450,000 on ‘State of the Art’ Gym Memberships

Memberships for TSA agents, desk workers in Washington, D.C.

August 6, 2014

Government Paralegals ‘Paid to Do Nothing’ Rewarded with Bonuses

OIG: ‘Pervasive waste’ at Patent Trial and Appeal Board

August 4, 2014

Democrat Seeking National Soda Tax

Revenue to go to Obamacare fund cut by Congress

August 1, 2014