Free Beacon Charles Russell

Charles Russell is a Media Analyst for the Washington Free Beacon. Before joining the Beacon he worked at America Rising and has spent several years on multiple campaigns. Charles can be reached at, his twitter handle is @charleswrussell.

Clarence Thomas Describes His Judicial Philosophy: 'Get It Right'

'You don't justify the outcome; you reason to the outcome'

November 2, 2017
Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam holds a thumbs up during a campaign event at the Greater Richmond Convention Center October 19, 2017 in Richmond, Virginia. Northam is running against Republican Ed Gillespie to be the next governor of Virginia. / Getty Images

Anti-Gillespie Ad Depicting Violent Driver Pulled After NYC Truck Attack

WaPo editorial: 'Sad' it took attack in New York to make group realize ad was 'out of bounds'

October 31, 2017