Free Beacon Robert Charette

Robert Charette is an Associate Editor of the Free Beacon. He graduated from Penn State University in 2010. His Twitter handle is @_Charette_. His email address is

Victor Davis Hanson Warns of Isolationist Sentiment

Global freedom and prosperity ‘requires an engaged United States’

June 10, 2014

Tuesday Morning Quarterbacking

Review: Gregg Easterbrook warns that football’s very popularity risks ruining the game

October 25, 2013

Experts Testify Against Use of Limited Strikes in Syria

Weak action sends dangerous signal, opens U.S. to retaliation

September 10, 2013

Peaking Too Soon

Review: ‘Nas Lost’ portrays the downfall of a rap prodigy

August 24, 2013
Chris Kyle

Print the Legend

Review: ‘The Life and Legend of Chris Kyle’ is more heroic than humanizing

June 16, 2013